Have you ever wanted to boost your Wi-Fi signal? Obviously something like that satellite dish on the left is going a little extreme, but in a sense, it follows the same principals of what I'm going to explain right here.
Now, if you can get your hands on one of these "skimming spiders" (preferably clean) it just so happens to be the perfect shape for a pretty good Wi-Fi antenna.
First of all, you need the "parabola" shaped dish, which is conveniently present in that stainless steel skimming spider on the right. Next, you'll need a USB extension cord, because if you try to squeeze this thing right next to the plug, trust me, it's just going to be a pain. Of course, you'll need a USB Wi-Fi adapter to actually recieve the signals with (any one will work).
And you'll need a piece of small plastic pipe (PVC) or some garden hose to insulate the adapter and the extension wire from being damaged or slipping loose from where you want it to be.
Last but not least, you'll need a mathematic equasion! Don't run away yet, it's really easy. Just 3 easy steps:
1. Find the diameter in milimeters and multiply that number by itself (Diameter to the 2nd power). (The diameter is just the measurement from the left side to the right side, or just the width of it, not the circumference.) As you can see to the right. Ex: for a 128mm Diameter you would multiply 128x128 = 16,384mm
2. Now you find the depth from the rim of the bowl, to the lowest point in the bowl (In a straight line from the center to the center). Let's just say it's about 32mm deep. Then multiply that by 16. Ex: 32x16 = 512
3. Finally, divide the answer from step 1, by the answer in step 2.
Ex: 16384/512 = 32mm
Now, that means the signals will be focused 32 milimeters out from the center of the dish... So you want your USB Wi-Fi adapter's reciever to be in that general area (the closer the better). Here's a link incase you really wanna get technical about the "Focus" of the dish.
You can always turn on some kind of Live Wi-Fi signal monitoring app and make minor adjustments until it's as good as it's gonna get.
Finally, you don't have to go with just a cooking utensil, that's just a general idea to show you how wide the spectrum is. The best would be something solid, or a mesh with closer weaving... Because the holes aren't actually the key, just the dish shape. The bigger the better, too. Here's an idea for you if you want something REALLY GOOD:Aluminum WOK LID. LOL! Or, a metal mixing bowl. Anything metal with that particular shape, as long as you use tha
t formula to figure out where the Wi-Fi adapter goes, it should work fine. Plus it's easier than trying to find that special Wi-Fi card that accepts a pigtail connection for one of those fancy antennas that probably cost a ton anyway. Alright, that's all for tonight... Morning...
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